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Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Explanation , pengertian , contoh

Explanation text : teks yang menjelaskan proses yang terjadi dalam pembentukan atau peristiwa yang terkait engan fenomena alam, dunia ilmiah , sosial budaya dan lainnya ,,,

nih,, sebagai contohnya >>>>  (teks ini dulu aku buat sbg tugas SMA )
1. Sadranan Ceremony in My Village 
2. Syawalan in Solo
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Syawalan is a evolution which follow with acculturation and finally create arise the harmony and compatibility in the society. Syawalan also call “ halal bi halal”  which come from Arab . Accord Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia ( KBBI) Syawalan have means “ each other forgiveness” on the  day of Idul Fitri . Meanwhile halal bi halal is a repeat of Arabic language from word “halal” which mean “good” or “may”. Accord Umar Kayam (1997) , Syawalan is the creativity of Javanese and Islamic acculturation. When Islam want to intersect with Javanese culture , arising tensions that cause disharmony. Look at the phenomenon , the Scholars create a Java acculturation which enables the new religion was accepted by Javanese people. The Scholars in Java before with all his wisdom , able to integrate the two cultures are contradictory for the harmony and prosperity. Syawalan also call “Lebaran Ketupat”. Ketupat usually made from three main ingredients , there are :
1.      Yellow janur as symbol of starting reinforcement or repellent danger .
2.      Rice as  symbol of prosperity , is think as pray for the society prosperity .
3.      Coconut juice or in the Java language call “Santan” rhymes with word “ Ngapunten” which mean apologize.
. Syawalan can be define as relationships between people to interact with each other via the activities that are not prohibit, plus contain something good and fun. Javanese people commemorate Syawalan with “Gebyar  Syawalan” . Usually this commemorate hold in Benawan Solo , but because water in Bengawan Solo is withdraw ,so “Gebyar Syawal” hold in Jurug Zoo. “Gebyar Syawal” have four process, there are :
First process is “Larung Gethek Jaka Tingkir”. Gethek is assemble from bamboo.dfbgfdsjuyloyu;pjbhgghgsafa
 This process about story of journey of Joko Tingkir go to that Demak is conduct  in stream of Bengawan Solo, start from Guesthouse of Langenharjo Grogol, Sukoharjo [go] to the Butuh Sragen, by desisting ahead [in] Garden of Taman Satwa Taru Jurug ( TSTJ) Solo (Jurug Zoo). This cultural Procession execution get the animo very big from Solo society. This is seen from thousands of society member huddling alongside stream of Bengawan Solo pass by the procession pageant. Procession of Larung Ageng Gethek Joko Tinggkir itself, start around at 07.00 WIB of moment of Jaka Tingkir ask permission to Pemangku Pura Mangkunegaran consorted by the physic of Ki Ageng Panjawi and Ki Ageng Pemanahan. After that, the party which escorted to the palace soldiers Mangkunegaran Solo and forward to the Pesanggrahan Langenharjo, Sukoharjo. The arrival of the group along with Joko Tingkir at the guesthouse, was greet with Gending Manguyu-uyu and Gambyong Dance. They receive Ki Ageng Majasta and Ki Ageng Banyubiru. The event then continue with the read of his speech chairman of the executive committee Larung Agung Jaka Tingkir greeting from Regent of Sukoharjo and representatives from the palace Kasunanan, departure ceremony was then close with the read of the story of Joko Tingkir and prayer. The journey begins after Pengageng Parentah Keraton Solo provides satang (paddle) to the accompaniment of Jake Tingkir Gambyong Pareanom Dance. Previously , Pengageng Parentah Keraton Solo unveil Canthik Rajamala in the bow of boat and its convoy .The convoy finally departed at around 09:30 pm playing of gamelan pencon marked on the boat Rajamala. Journey of Larung Ageng Gethek Joko Tingkir itself pass through over around 30 km. Divide to become two way, that is aqueduct and walk the land. In the early its departure is from Pesangngrahan Langenharjo till garden of Ronggowarsito Jurug,, " Joko Tingkir" standing above gethek ( assemble from bamboo - red) at the same time hold the satang. Afterwards, by ride horse, Joko Tingkir enter the arena TSTJ represent procession location culminate the Syawalan continued by riding elephant collect the so called TSTJ [of] Teak;Core by srati ( pawang) go to the garden Gesang, procession place conduct.
            Second process is Sendratari Jaka Tingir. Sendratari Jaka Tingkir depict the history of journey of Jaka Tingkir look like in the first step .Jaka Tingkir also all Mas Karebet . The famous history of Jaka Tingkir is Jaka Tingkir can  get of best of 40 crocodile which later then ferry the Jaka Tingkir. Sendratari Jaka Tingkir conduct by professional traditional dance. Sendratari Jaka Tingkir performance are rate as the most fitting place in TSTJ ( Taman Satwa Taru Jurug ) because Sendratari Jaka Tingkir have the value of culture , art and education . Consistent with the mission vision of the future development TSTJ ( Taman Satwa Taru Jurug ) . Mas Karebet own performances will features scenes float by Lake gethek. Gethek or traditional boat of series will be decorate with bamboo ros-shape stereofoam 40 crocodiles. Joko Tingkir would ride the boat for a while.
Third process is Gunungan Ketupat. After pray, Kupat become the society capture thee are  children, adult and also old people . They are believe that by eat this Kupat, they can get benediction . They volunteer pressure to get Kupat. Syawalan also call “Lebaran Ketupat”. Ketupat usually made from three main ingredients , there are :
1.      Yellow janur as symbol of starting reinforcement or repellent danger .
2.      Rice as  symbol of prosperity , is think as pray for the society prosperity .
3.      Coconut juice or in the Java language call “Santan” rhymes with word “ Ngapunten” which mean apologize.
Word “kupat” come from word “pat” or “lepat” . Meanwhile , with eat Kupat , people are expect to recall that they independent and free from false . Furthermore , they are obliged to ask and forgive one another so that freedom is really perfect. Another meaning, diamond comes from the abbreviation “Ngaku Lepat” which means admit mistakes. Mean, with the tradition of kupat is expect that each person will to admit mistakes, make it easier for themselves to forgive the mistakes of others. In short, all sins are erase to each other along with the feast of Idul Fitri. Kupat also come from “laku lepat” which contain four mean are :
1.      Lebar mean “wide”
2.      Lebur mean all of mistake are forgive
3.      Luber mean over flow reward
4.      Labur mean a cheerful countenance.
Overall could be define as a situation most happy after all sins forgive so great to get back to pure and clean.
            The last process is Dang-Dut and snack . Dang-dut music in Gebyar Syawalan have aim to entertain the visitors . When visitors look Dang-dut music , visitors also can buy and eat snack. The singer come from Solo. The singer not only sing dang-dut music look like ABG tua but also sing campursari song look like Ngamen . There are many seller of snack look like sugar cane ice, criping, intip , bakso, soto, mie ayam, tahu petis, etc. This merchandise is sell with cheap cost. In Jurug there are not only snack seller but any doll seller, but this price is expensive.

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